Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What is norovirus? Everything you need to know about the winter vomiting bug

The winter vomiting bug has hit over million already this winter - what can we do to stop it in its tracks?
It’s shut down schools, closed oil rigs and forced cruise ships back to dock early, but what exactly is the norovirus?
This winter’s norovirus stats hit at an all-time high – up by 72% on last year – with as many as 590 hospital outbreaks reported so far, 29 of them taking place over Christmas.
“The number of laboratory confirmed cases has risen once again,” says Health Protection Agency spokesman and norovirus expert, John Harris.
“It appears that we have seen the rise in cases that usually begins in January starting a little earlier than we normally expect.”
So far this season, 3,877 cases of the virus have been confirmed, a significant rise on last winter’s 2,255, although experts suggest there could be as many as 1.12 million cases going unreported.
“Cases of norovirus have risen earlier than expected this winter and this is a trend that has been seen across Europe and other parts of the world,” says John.
“It has not yet been determined why this has been the case. Activity varies significantly from year to year.”
Some scientists attribute the winter upsurge to cold weather snaps – such as the one we had mid-December, driving everyone indoors, where germs spread easier.
But it is also thought that a new strain called Sydney 2012, to which few are resistant, could be the reason for the sharp rise in cases this winter.
So what is it?
The winter norovirus is a particularly contagious bug that affects nearly one million Brits each year, and causes up to two days of diarrhoea and projectile vomiting as well as fluey symptoms.
This particular strain of stomach bug – or gastroenteritis – can be caught at any time of year but it often flares up in the winter, as cold weather forces us indoors, creating damp conditions that are ideal for helping it to spread easily.
“Norovirus is known as the winter vomiting bug because the virus causes increased cases during the winter period,” says David Lawrence of the Health Protection Agency.
“In fact, it has been estimated that it accounts for around 90% of non-bacterial gut infections worldwide. The distinctive symptom of norovirus is a sudden onset of nausea.”
What causes it?
The virus can be transmitted by contact with contaminated surfaces or objects, contact with an infected person, or by the consumption of contaminated food or water.
The bacteria can live on surfaces for up to five days and is impossible to spot. Places such as train carriages, buses or offices are hotbeds for them – so much so, that experts encourage anyone who thinks they might be carrying the bug to stay away from built-up areas.
Can it be avoided?
While most of us won’t be able to go into quarantine for the rest of winter, maintaining high standards of hygiene is vital to avoiding the bug.
“Norovirus is very contagious, and anyone who has had it knows it is very unpleasant,” says John Harris.
“If you think you may have the illness then it is important to maintain good hand hygiene to help prevent it spreading.
“We also advise that people stay away from hospitals, schools and care homes as these environments are particularly prone to outbreaks.”
Just a single particle from a cough or sneeze can contain enough bacteria to pass on the virus, but using hand sanitiser wipes or gel will kill the germs before they spread.
Maintaining a strong immune system by getting the recommended daily allowance of five portions of fruit and veg and cutting back on alcohol and cigarettes will also help to stave off infection.
For those affected by the virus, the NHS recommends remaining in quarantine for up to 48 hours after symptoms have passed to prevent further contamination. Disinfect toilets, bathroom surfaces and door handles. And don’t share towels.
Children who have had the bug should avoid communal swimming pools for up to two weeks after any bouts of diarrhoea.
Can it be treated?
“There isn’t any particular treatment for norovirus,” says Paul Zollinger-Read, BUPA’s chief medical officer.
“But if you are infected it’s important to drink lots of fluids to avoid dehydration.
"Stay at home and take paracetamol if you are aching or have a high temperature.
"Wash your hands regularly, too, to prevent it spreading. If you are hungry you should eat food that can easily be digested.
“Immunity to the virus only lasts a short time,” adds Paul.
“Therefore, having had the virus in the past doesn’t mean you won’t get it again and, as it’s a virus, antibiotics will not help.”
Don’t panic!
Although symptoms can be extreme, the NHS advises there’s no need to contact your doctor unless the illness lasts longer than 48 hours.
Those already suffering other ailments or ones who have more serious health issues should contact their GP, while young children and the elderly should be monitored.
“While generally there are no long-term complications, the illness may take a little longer to clear up in some people,” says David Lawrence.
“If you are still unwell after three or four days, symptoms are particularly severe, or you have blood in your stools it is advisable you call your GP.”
Stay hydrated
It’s important sufferers increase their water intake to replace fluid lost through vomiting and diarrhoea.
Rehydration sachets, available from most chemists, help rebalance the bodies’ salt and sugar levels.
Will we find a cure?
Scientists have developed a ‘vomiting robot’ to help detect how far microscopic particles of sick can carry the virus.
According to Prof Ian Goodfellow, who has spent 10 years trying to cure norovirus, the speed at which it can spread makes the bug ‘the Ferrari of the virus world’.

As a mum-to-be, it was a scary time

Researcher Jane Hamilton, 33, from Manchester, is 13 weeks pregnant.
It was just after Christmas when I came down with the virus. My husband Nick and I had been at a family reunion and everyone started feeling unwell.
Within 24 hours of the get-together, his ­parents and sister called us to say that they were all suffering nausea and vomiting – classic symptoms of norovirus.
We weren’t sure where it came from but just hours later my husband began suffering, too.
We tried to put me in quarantine because of my pregnancy to ensure that I didn’t catch the virus. So we started to prepare food separately and kept wiping surfaces with antibacterial wipes.But within 48 hours I started to feel ill, too.
Once the symptoms started I couldn’t keep any food down. My body was violently trying to get rid of the virus.
I was completely dehydrated and worried about the baby not getting any nutrition.
We went on to the NHS website, which told us that mums-to-be with symptoms of the bug should call a professional. It said prolonged dehydration can harm the baby, although the bug itself can’t.
I was hesitant about going into a doctor’s surgery because the illness is highly contagious, but my GP encouraged me to go to A&E for blood tests to make sure everything was OK.
I was reassured that if I became dehydrated doctors would keep me in hospital overnight and put me on a drip.
As with any pregnancy, I wanted to make sure my baby was healthy. There was a definite fear of, ‘If I can’t keep the food down, how’s the baby getting any nutrition?’ But I was told that the main thing was to keep drinking water every time I threw up, even if I didn’t feel like it.
My symptoms went away after 48 hours and the baby and I are both fine.
I’m just glad the advice was there when we needed it.

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